26.2.18 I spoke to Alexandra Blanchard about her upcoming tour of 'What Would Harold Pinter Think?', which opens March 1 at the Judith E Wilson Studio.... 1- This is your first staged play. How long have you been writing for? And is stage your main focus, or do you write in other mediums? I’ve always written but not seriously until three or four years ago. I’m more interested in performance rather than the stage in particular. I’m fascinated by ways of performing, ways of seeing performances and the fragments of performance that lodge in the dusty nooks of your brain that grow and reshape your interactions with the world. I think that’s a discussion that all performers run into - what you create will never be seen or remembered as a whole. But as long as one shard get stuck, then something remains of that one unchangeable and unrepeatable night. That has to be enough. I write a lot of poetry which I often think of as a collage of shards that I’ve collected from perform...