Keep updated: https://www.facebook.com/events/187019798551420/
So I thought I should: Announce
‘The Sea’ is wending its wonderful way to a theatre near
you. If, that is, you live on Euston Road.
We’re three weeks into rehearsals and looking forward to
opening on March 1 @ The Camden People’s Theatre. Interviews, press releases,
email exchanges to infinity. Soullessly using your friends for your own selfish
ambitions. It’s all fair in love and theatre.
I return to the blog only to leave again. From the bottomless
well that is the wisdom of C Dougan, I take the advice ‘Do guest-blogging. People
love talking about themselves.’
And from this comes the new season of ‘So I Thought I’:
different perspectives from different people. I have contacted a bunch of
people, some from London, some new to London, some having left, some having
just arrived.
Our inaugural blogger, Mania Lewandowska, moved to London in
September 2016 from Warsaw. Her blog will open our series on Tuesday.
Watch. This. Space.
"I found out about pollution online. I didn’t know about it
before. I thought it was just morning stuff. You know. Like the world still has
sleep in its eyes and its still burning off the water of the night. But it’s
not. It’s pollution." (Act 2, Scene 3)
Keep updated: https://www.facebook.com/events/187019798551420/
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