17.10.17 So I thought I should opening by asking if the pun in the title is queer-baiting? My good friend and key-fan, Charlotte Dougan, accused me of queer-baiting, which involves mentioning, or alluding to, queerness in a title or narrative or plot, in order to get people interested. The motivation behind queer-baiting is to attract more views than otherwise, rather than an actual representation of the queer community. Answer me: is key-fan Charlotte Dougan right? - So today I want to talk about the male gaze, again. There’s more to it. Last time, I talked about the ethics of the male gaze. In a very uncertain way. I want to talk, more certainly, about the sexuality of the male gaze. I think the male gaze can have a sexual part. I see the male gaze as an essentially introspective attitude in which men look at themselves and each other and seek out weakness in order to eradicate it. The male gaze seeks to perpetuate androcentrism and the maleness of everything else. ...